Interdisciplinary Practice

Emotion, memory, and even faith have all played crucial roles in our continued existence. As we go through time in the present, we constantly encounter new things and places, yet we never lose sight of what the past, present, and future have in store for us.

A frequent human experience that has an impact on people’s wellbeing is the relationships that develop between people and their significant environments including digital technology. It has tremendously influenced our lives and communities and has been a crucial component of human progress. Technology has always driven change and introduced new ways of thinking, talking, and engaging.

Our ever-evolving connection to technological serves also as a link between the present and the future. Every time we make a breakthrough in technology, we expand on our existing body of knowledge and open the door to future developments.

On the other hand time, the ethical and social implications of our reliance on technology have led to significant concerns about privacy, anxiety, and how it affects our interpersonal interactions and communities. It will be critical that we take into account these crucial considerations and work to create that is equitable and sustainable for everyone as we move forward and explore new technological possibilities.


A creative process through physical and digital collections!

Digital Arts

Few selected digital series from the collections!